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Social Studies

In social studies we did one project that I really enjoyed and I feel that it is something that everyone should learn. The overall purpose of this project was to learn about the different religions, because they would come up time and time again throughour our history experience. But I feel as if this project did much more than telling us just facts about each religion, I feel as if this project taught religous tollerence and human kindness. After this project I feel as if this is something that everyone should know and be educated on as it is very important in our diverse and everchanging world.


In this project we were tasked with creating a website that taught on the key principles of your groups religion. My group had Christianity. In the making of our site I learned a lot about this religion, including that tere are many different denominations of Christianity, all of which have their own similarities and differences. From this project I learned a lot about Christianity, but in the exploring of other groups sites I became educated one other important religions and how they are in some ways similar, but in other ways different from Christianity. Feel free to explore our site below or to veiw it in a separate tab click here.

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