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How to Survive 8th Grade

     As an 8th grade student at adventure I've survived the year (barely), by doing something I wished I had known prior to starting this school year. The first thing is that empathy is very important; empathy helps you to understand not just your friends and peers but also your teachers. Having empathy will help you to worry less about the, "oh my gosh i can't believe she hasn't regraded my assignment all week," and focus more one the, "I know she has 160 students, my assignment will be regraded soon." Another thing that I learned this year was to not rely on being able to regrade each assignment. For example, in Ms. Edwards class turning in a piece of paper with just your name will get you a nice ZERO; or in Mrs. Hogen-Esch's class tests and quizzes are non- regrade-able; and in Ms. Garcia's class be sure to think things through because EDP quizzes can't be regraded either. This year has been a wild, amazing ride, but surviving it was part of the fun.

     Every week we have the routine stuff, the things you know happen every week, prioritizing those things will help to make your life a lot easier. For example here are the weekly assignments I've had all year: birdbrain in History, blog in engineering, blog in science, and homework quizzes in math, and prodigy/khan/i-ready in math. I found that the easiest way to complete These is by getting myself into a routine with these. Throughout the week I like to work on my engineering blog which leaves me time in engineering on Friday's to complete some other work. For my birdbrain, i like to do it Wednesday morning since Wednesday is a late start day. On Thursday night I like to look over the suggested homework for math so I know what yo expect on the quiz the next day. I like to leave my science blogs for Sunday morning usually so I can be sure to include the whole week in my blog. Lastly, I like to do my Prodigy/khan/I-ready on Wednesday morning and throughout the week as time allows. Though all of these weekly assignments seem like burden, getting into a schedule helps to make it all a little better.

     Teachers only get as much of a break from school as we do. That being said it's best if you learn not to get angry, upset, annoyed, or impatient with your teachers over a break or even just a weekend. When you Schoolloop one of your teachers, you'll learn they reply as quick as they can; that being said they have their own families, vacations, friends, and weekends, they aren't always going to regrade your assignment within the hour, or answer your question that same day. The sooner you can accept and learn that teachers will reply to you as soon as you can, the sooner you can learn to love all that your teachers do for you. 

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