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What Does it Mean to be an AdVENTURE Student?

     Being an AdVETNURE student means a lot of things. For one, being in AdVENTURE means that we get to use computers in almost every class, every day. Another thing that it means is that we are always doing a lot of projects and groupwork. Lastly, being an AdVENTURE student means that we get to do a lot of blogging. Being an AdVENTURE student, means a bunch of amazing and wonderful things.

     Using computers is a big part of being in AdVENTURE. When we use computers we do many different things, all of which make AdVENTURE how it is. When we use computers we do research and interactives, watch educaional videos, collaborate on assignments, and create amazing final products. As an AdVENTURE student, it also means that we have expectations while using computers, such as we must stay on task, Being an AdVENTURE student means getting to use computers a lot, as long as they are used responsibly.

     Being in AdVENTURE means lots of projects and group work. In AdVENTURE we are expected to work in teams to create an extravegant, jaw-dropping project. Being an AdVENTURE student means collaborating with our team to find solutions and compromises that pleases everyone. Being in AdVENTURE means that we do lots of projects all of which are preparing us for collage and our career in the future. Our projects are all real-world based, so we are expected to find real-world practical solutions. Being an AdVENTURE student means doing a lot of fun projects with a group you learn to work with.

     Blogging is something that is essential in being an AdVENTURE student. Being in AdVENTURE means having at least two blogs. One in math and one in science. Being an AdVENTURE student means that in math we are sometimes givin a problem, and have to solve and explain it on our blog. In math we also do summaries on a project or unit that we recently finished. Here is the link to my math blog. On our science blog we are expected to update it almost weekly. most weeks it is updated with the topics that we covered that week and how they relate to the cross cutting concepts of science among other things, but occasionally there are project reflection and article blogs. Here is the link to my science blog.  Blogging is a big part in being an AdVENTURE student, and is some that is fun to do.

     Being an AdVENTURE means always being challenged. Being an AdVENTURE student at sometimes is very har, but in the long run it is very fun and prepares us for the future. To me being an AdVENTURE student means always being expected to do my best and strive for greatness. Being an AdVENTURE student means having fun and enjoying school.


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